Okan’s heartwood is yellow to yellow-brown with a more or less light to dark green, olive green tint, which can sometimes give off a coppery glow under the influence of light red-brown. On the crosscut surface, the thick growth rings can be clearly identified by their dark coloured edges. The sapwood is light pink and 50-75 mm thick, and is clearly differentiated in colour from the heartwood. When damp, Okan has an unpleasant smell, but is without taste or smell when dry.


Okan is a Leguminosae (Mimoseae) family wood which originates from topical West Africa. The high density, durability and interlocked grain structure of Okan make it suitable for hydraulic constructions, like sheet pilings, stable bridges, etc.

Properties of this timber species

• Botanical name: Cylicodiscus gabunensis
• ATIBT name: Okan
• Other names: Denya

Strength class
• Okan (growing regions: Ghana and Cameroon) quality class Category 3/Tropical/NEN 5493 is classed in strength class D50 (NEN-EN 338)

• Because of its great durability, Okan can be used for exterior work, especially for hydraulic works such as lock gates, piling, harbour works and bridge supports
• It can be used anywhere where the requirements for strength and durability are high, for example, for sleepers, heavy structures and industrial floors
• Because of its attractive fine colour, it can be ideally used for decoratively turned goods
• In the UK, Okan is used as a substitute for Demerara Greenheart

• Resistance to fungi: class 1 (very durable)
• Resistance to insects: Termites class D (sapwood and heartwood very durable), the heartwood shows good resistance to the effects of pile worm in saltwater, Marine borers class D under Northern European conditions.

• (800)-850-920-960-(1100) kg/m3 at 12% moisture content
• Fresh 1000-1200 kg/m3


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BEGNIMBE CAMEROUN  is engaged in retailing, wholesaling and export of premium trade quality West African Timber in a range of top wood species including Sapele (Mahogay) Okan, Padauk, Ebony among others.

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Country : CAMEROON 
Postal Code : 00237
+237 696 493919

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