The wood is red brown with darker brown veins. The sapwood is clearly demarcated. The grain is straight or interlocked and the texture is fine. The grain is sometimes oblique.


The wood is red brown with darker brown veins. The sapwood is clearly demarcated. The grain is straight or interlocked and the texture is fine. The grain is sometimes oblique.

Heart of logs tends to split. The blunting effect is high; peeling is not recommended or without interest and slicing is reported to be good. Requires power and sawdust is very irritant for throat and nose. Nailing is good but pre-boring is necessary. Gluing is correct for interior only. It dries slowly and must be dried carefully. It is poorly stable.

Mukulungu is very durable to fungi and is durable to dry wood borers; sapwood demarcated (risk limited to sapwood). Due to its high specific gravity and silica content, this species naturally covers the biological hazard class 5 (end-uses in marine environment or in brackish water).

Mukulungu can be used for several applications such as: •

  • Interior: e.g. panelling, flooring, veneer, stairs, industrial or heavy flooring, sliced veneer
  • Exterior: e.g. panelling, bridges, sleepers, posts, heavy carpentry, vehicle or container flooring


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